Thursday, June 13, 2013

Harvey's chiropractic adjustment.

Harvey is a 15 year old male/neuter westie with a chronic history of arthritis on his hips, knees and shoulders. Also had a history of cranial cruciate ligament surgery done on one knee. We started doing chiropractic adjustment on Harvey two weeks ago and we saw immediate positive response. According to his owner, Harvey was less stiff, moving around better, even playing and attempting to jump.

On today's adjustment, Harvey had several spinal vertebrae fixed (subluxated). Today's listing are: Atlas posterior left, Cervical 4 body left and PI Ilium among other. Myofascial release also performed today. We hope that we can help Harvey with this type of treatment.  The goal is to improve mobility, decrease or minimize medications with potential serious side effects and to improve his quality of life. We will keep you updated on Harvey's progression and other interesting cases.


Dr. Basabe.


  1. Communication with owner. Harvey is doing better and comfortable and that is good. Looking forward to his next adjustment.

  2. Today we did another Chiropractic adjustment on Harvey. His knees are bothering lately and his right limp is more noticeable. We worked today on his left atlas, T13, L1, L2 and Right PI ilium. Myofascial release done today.

  3. Communication with owner. Harvey is doing great. Right after the adjustment he had more energy and more alert. The next day he was chasing the cat, jumping and standing with his back legs. Owner has not seen this behavior in a long time. Owner is very happy that Harvey feels better. This is great news.
